- 34 free Black & White film presets for Lightroom. Пресеты для Лайтрума для имитации различных ч/б пленок.
The presets are available in two versions, one with auto toning and the other one without. I just show you a preview of the set without the Auto toning, but of course both versions are included in the zipfile you download.
- Product Comparison: White Balance Filters. Сравнительный обзор насадок на объектив для калибровки баланса белого.
If the number of products available to pre-capture white balance digital cameras is any indication, professional photographers’ interest in creating a neutral color balance must be very high. There is a good reason for this of course. While professional digital cameras do an excellent job autofocusing and autoexposing, auto white balance is not likely to give accurate, consistent color under many ambient lighting conditions.
- Backpack Alternatives. Обзор т.н. альтернативных рюкзаков для транспортировки фототехники. Crumpler Brazillion Dollar Home ничего так, но здоровый слишком.
There are many ways to securely and fashionably carry a camera and have fast access to both camera and accessories. Sling bags are arguably the all-round best for this purpose. Backpacks can be cumbersome and sweat inducing, wheelie bags can be bulky and unwieldy, and fanny packs just don’t sit well with some folks. Let’s look at five sling bags we particularly like, in various situations and with various amounts of gear.
- Make a Stealth Camera Bag. Зачем покупать за немерянные тыщи «домку», которая выглядит как бомжпакет, если можно сделать такой пакет самому?
Sometimes you need a fancy camera bag, with a tripod strap and little slots with which to pamper your memory cards. You need a waterproof hood, a padded strap and a big fat StealMe™ logo on the front.
- Spy Lens. Оригинальный способ решить проблему впадения в ступор при попытке сфотографировать незнакомых людей на улице.
Remember that very first time you went out with your shiny new SLR, determined to shoot some Pulitzer-worthy people shots? You know, real stuff. Candid shots of people just living their lives and doing real things completely unaware that they were on camera.
It’s hard.
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Хорошие пресетики, практически как половина Silver Efex. Очень в тему
Ну хорошо, что подошли. Я то сам лайтрум не использую.
Хочу как-нибудь опубликовать свой набор пресетов для Nikon Capture NX, но никак руки не доходят, да и целесообразность сомнительна.