- Seven Reasons to Share Your Photographic Know How Online. Семь причин, по которым буквально каждый просто таки обязан делиться секретами фотомастерства с широкой общественностью. Шутки шутками, но Уди во многом прав. И все эти платные курсы-шмурсы, уроки-шмуроки, тренинги-фигенинги уже слегка поднадоели и давно уже не в моде.
Over the last few weeks I got a few emails asking me what is the drive behind DIYP. That sent me to my deep observations state where I had some discussions with myself on the reasons I keep DIYP. When trying to understand my reasons, I also understood that the reasons for sharing your photographic know how are universal (pardon for the cheesiness). So here are (my) Seven Reasons to Share Photographic Know How Online.
- Subtractive Lighting: Creating Drama with Contrast. Драматичные контрастные снимки в студии.
Everything reflects. That is something you will hear me say all the time. Whether at the workshop or working one on one with a photographer, one of the most important things to drive home is that everything reflects. Skin, silver, blue sweaters… they all reflect, but at obviously different qualities.
- Making a Pinhole Lens for SLR Cameras. Как сделать пинхол из ненужной крышечки для байонета зекальной фотокамеры.
Ever since I started learning about photography, I have been fascinated with the art of pinhole photography. I always thought that the possibility of creating an image using the tiniest hole is amazing. If you are unfamiliar with pin-hole photography, see my related links section; I have added some links about pinhole photography for your wandering minds.
- Корректно разойтись с медведем. Интересная заметка, и не только для фотографов.
Из детcких сказок к нам пришел образ медведя, как доброго и мудрого животного, хозяина леса. Но в жизни всё не так. И фотографы, которые снимают медведя в дикой природе, рискуют своей жизнью по-настоящему.
- The Best Softbox Ever. Весьма подробно иллюстрированная инструкция по самостоятельному изготовлению софтбокса. На что только народ не идет, чтоб $50 не платить.
This is a DIY project I have had in mind for a while now. When I purchased my studio flash heads, they came with a couple of small softboxes. Although I prefer to use translucent umbrellas whenever I can (small, light, easy to transport), there are times when a softbox is a better solution. While I could use the studio head softboxes in some circumstances with my small strobes, there was no way of effectively holding the flash in place without a lot of jerry rigging. To this end, I wanted to design a softbox that would be light, reasonably strong and durable, adaptable (double diffuser, grid attachment, barn doors etc.) at a later date and have a quick and easy way to mount the flash.