- 1000s of Free Photoshop Plugins & Filters. И опять много-много плагинов для фотошопы.
Have you been looking for a way to add some extra zest to your Photoshop images? Have you wanted to find some cool Photoshop filters but didn’t want to spend any of your cash? Well, I have put together a long list of Free Photoshop Plugin along with a summary of what you will find on each of these sites. Amongst all of these sites you will be able to find 1000s of Photoshop plugins and filters so I hope that you have some time on your hands. Please comment about sites that I have missed. Have fun Photoshopping.
- Loreo 3D lens in a cap. Занятная приблуда для получения стереопары. И никакой возни со спариванием двух старых мыльниц в одну с двумя объективами.
I got this lens for my birthday last year, and it’s the most challenging lens I’ve ever used. The 3D effect one can get from it is very cool, but the lens has some severe limitations.
- 12 Clever Uses for Your Digital Camera. Дюжина типсов по фотосъемке на чужбине.
Your digital camera can be a lot more useful than you might think, especially while travelling. If you’re not a flashpacker like me who doesn’t mind lugging around a cellphone, watch, PDA and laptop, your digital camera can easily pull double-duty and really help you out in a pinch. Here are twelve novel uses you probably never thought of for your digital camera:
- Photographing lightning. Фотографируем молнии.
The breathtaking sight of lightning splitting the evening sky has to be one of the more dramatic subjects to photograph… and also surprisingly easy.
- 13 Tips for Using and Caring for Memory Cards. Продлеваем жизнь флешке.
5. Avoid Filling Your Cards Completely
I have a friend who recently had an issue with a memory card. When he took it into the store he bought it from for advice they asked if he’d completely filled the card with images. When he said he had they told him that this could occasionally cause problems with some types of cards. I’d not heard this before and am a little skeptical about it myself – but it’s probably worth keeping in mind. I guess the advice is to regularly take images off your cards rather than doing it just when they are full. This is common sense anyway as it stops the heartbreak of losing gigabytes of images if you lose a card/camera or have a card error with a three quarters full memory card. - Brussels Strobist Meeting – 3rd Nov.07. Брюссельский слет стробистов — несколько интересных видео.
After a long week of editing videos (sorry guys but I’m a photographer and this things takes time to edit and render afterwards) and images from the meeting in Brussels I can honestly say that it was a MAJOR success.
- Marching Band Photography Tips. Секреты съемки военных оркестров. У нас, правда, это мало актуально, но мало ли, вдруг пригодится.
My friend Dan Zeis has been shooting (among other things) Marching Band Competitions for the past couple of years and I help him out from time to time with it. He’s made a decent event business out of this, selling prints and gifts to the band parents via his website.
- ArcSoft RAW Thumbnail Viewer. Полезная софтина. Показывает в окне Windows Explorer превьюшки, зашитые в RAW-файлах.
ArcSoft RAW Thumbnail Viewer™ is a free plug-in for Windows that allows you to preview your RAW photos when browsing through your files.
In the “Thumbnails” view of Windows Explorer, RAW files appear as generic icons. With ArcSoft RAW Thumbnail Viewer™, you can now see a thumbnail version of your picture! No more endless searching, just easily locate the photo you want to edit or print. Double-click to launch your favourite photo editor! - Ask ten photographers: What do you wish you’d known when you started out? У десяти успешных фотографов спросили: что бы вы хотели знать, перед тем как занялись этим бизнесом. Были получены очень любопытные ответы.
Ask ten photographers a question and get ten different answers. We asked a selection of EPUK members what they’d wish they’d known when they entered the industry.
- Saved…by a model release. О пользе модельных релизов. Составьте грамотный договор с моделью, и ваша задница может спать спокойно.
Way back in 1993, he shot a photograph of 7-year-old Dorsi Bonner dressed up as a clown for Family Fun Magazine. In 1996, Menuez turned the image over to RF distributor PhotoDisc, which is owned by Getty. In 2001, the photo ended up on the packaging of a Fuji disposable camera 2-pack. In 2004, Bonner showed up at a party where some friends had one of the Fuji 2-packs. “Isn’t that you?!?” they asked.
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Hi there. Thank you for posting about my post on free photoshop plugins / filters. I thought that you would like to know that I just posted one on Adobe Illustrator Plugins & Filters … http://allgraphicdesign.com/graphicsblog/2007/11/19/huge-list-of-adobe-illustrator-plugins-filters-tools/
Thanks again.
Thanks a lot!