Давать описания к ссылкам мне прежнему лень. Зато теперь есть цитаты — так должно быть полегче. И раз уж выпуски фотоссылок стали более или менее регулярным событием, я даже метку специальную для них сделал: photolinks.
- 28 Ways To Interpret A Photo.
On September 18th, I asked my fellow photographers to join me in an artistic experiment. I wanted to see how a single photo could be interpreted by different people, and to do this I presented the test-subjects audience with an unprocessed photograph and asked them to “Edit My Photo“.
- Один из самых больших объективов: Dallmeyer 45.
Этот объектив предназначался для фотокамеры размером с небольшую комнату, весил он 96 фунтов (примерно 43,5 кг), при этом он крыл формат кадра 6Х4 фута (183х122 см).
- The Top 5 Biggest Micro Stock Photography Mistakes.
If you put me on a spectrum from absolute beginner to photographer super star I would be firmly in the first percentile. My skills are fair-to-middling. That’s ok, I am just beginning and right now am learning lots and enjoying the activity of photography even if I am not earning more than pennies at it.
- Infrared Photography with a Digital Camera.
It was more than thirty years ago when I last experimented with photography in infrared. Too much hassle: special film handling, black-and-white processing, inability to evaluate results (and adjust settings) until the whole roll was exposed and pictures were printed…
- Lighting Essentials for Photographers: Learn to light like a pro.
New and Exciting setups with movies, diagrams, shots of the setups and more. Let us know if there is a lighting idea that you would like to see here.
- Natural Film Grain.
Learn how to use Photoshop to simulate natural film grain on digital photographs. This beginner Photoshop tutorial will show you how to add natural looking noise using a non-destructive process. If you use Photoshop CS3, you will also learn how to add this effect using Smart Filters.
- Creating a Stunning Old-World Look in Photoshop.
In this tutorial we are going to create a sort of oldy-worldy composition featuring a compass and making use of some awesome vector artwork from Arsenal.
- Photoshop User TV.
- Painting With Light.
Painting with light is a fun technique that gives great results. It is called painting with light because this is what you are actually doing while taking the shot – painting with light.
- Photography Tips from Photo Equipment Manufacturers.
When you just get starting on digital photography, help is always needed and welcome. Most digital camera manufacturers now have websites that offer some help to get people started in taking digital photos. Some even have articles about advanced techniques. Even though you probably just have one brand of digital camera, you can still learn something from other camera-makers’ websites. Many of the tips are generic and applicable to all digital cameras.
- Color Hamonization.
Harmonic colors are sets of colors that are aesthetically pleasing in terms of human visual perception. In this paper, we present a method that enhances the harmony among the colors of a given photograph or of a general image, while remaining faithful, as much as possible, to the original colors. Given a color image, our method finds the best harmonic scheme for the image colors. It then allows a graceful shifting of hue values so as to fit the harmonic scheme while considering spatial coherence among colors of neighboring pixels using an optimization technique. The results demonstrate that our method is capable of automatically enhancing the color “look-and-feel” of an ordinary image. In particular, we show the results of harmonizing the background image to accommodate the colors of a foreground image, or the foreground with respect to the background, in a cut-and-paste setting. Our color harmonization technique proves to be useful in adjusting the colors of an image composed of several parts taken from different sources.
- Photoshop Tutorials – Selective Sepia.
Learn how to use Photoshop to create selectively add a dramatic sepia effect a photo. This Photoshop effect works best when used with Photoshop CS3 but will also work with Photoshop CS2 or older using an alternative method.
- Jeffrey’s Autofocus Test Chart.
If you suspect that your modern SLR or SLR lens has autofocus problems, you can use a chart like the one offered on this page to perform some tests.
- Garry Winogrand Interview.
One of the most memorable things about studying photography at college was being introduced to work that I hadn’t come across before. During one crit, I was told to go and look at the work of Garry Winogrand and in particular the book ‘Public Relations’….
- Литература и интересные ссылки о фотографии и о том, что ней связано.
Матерым фотоменам это, наверное, не очень интересно, а начинающим может пригодиться, сама читаю взахлеб.
- Kodak Monographs now available for free download.
Kodak Monograph 1: The silver bromide grain of photographic emulsions, Adrian Peter Herman Trivelli (1921)
Kodak Monograph 2: The theory of development, Adolph H. Nietz (1922)
The Photographic Negative, William Henry Burbank (1888)