Какая интересная камера — не абы что, а панорамник с цифрозадником на 160 мегапикселей.
Цитата с сайта фирмы производителя:
Key features Seitz D3 digital scan back
- Very high speed and resolution: 300 MB raw data per second!
- Special imaging sensor developed by DALSA Corporation exclusively for Seitz for photography applications
- Very high sensitivity and broad ISO/ASA range (equivalent): 500 – 10’000
- Very high image quality thanks to 48-bit colour depth, low noise, high dynamic range, DALSA anti-blooming feature, Seitz image optimisation algorythms, freedom to use own raw-conversion workflow
- Possibility to freely interchange Seitz D3 digital scan back between Seitz 6×17 camera, new Roundshot D3 panorama camera and – in the future – medium or large format cameras
Key features Seitz 6×17 panorama camera
- Create a high resolution 6×17 digital image (160 million pixels) in one second!
- Ideal for use with world-class Schneider or Rodenstock large format lenses (on Seitz lens board) or Linhof Technorama, Fuji and other large format lenses (on adaptor plate)
- User-friendly camera system and software with 640×480 pixel colour touch screen for perfect preview, editing, zooming and image control
- State-of-the art computer technology with gigabit Ethernet file transfer, powerful portable mini-computer (storage device) and handheld control device (PDA) with IP network WLAN connection
- Fully mobile and open system:
- full mobility for outdoors assignments (with camera, portable mini-computer, handheld control device)
- possibility to use in studio and run software on computer with free choice of operating system (Mac OS, Windows, Linux)
- Uncompromising precision of camera body and accessories
И цена — сущий пустяк, всего-лишь 30 тысяч евро.