
  • The Frith Photo Library. Какая шикарная коллекция винтажных фотографий.

    The Frith Photo Library is a rights-managed library of historical photographs offering nostalgic images which depict the enormous physical and social changes that have taken place throughout Britain since the 1850s.

  • 5 ways to deal with negative photo-critiques. Есть такие обидчивые товарищи, очень нервно реагирующие на критику в их адрес, так вот им непременно стоит ознакомиться с этой статьей.

    If someone tells you “LOL learn how 2 autofocus, you dweeb”, you need to do 2 things: Live in the happy knowledge that whilst your camera might have had an off day, at least you know how to string a grammatically correct sentence together.

  • PocketWizard Inside Nikon D-Series. До чего техника дошла: PocketWizard-ы в топовые цифротушки Nikon-а встраивают.

    Taking the ultimate step forward, PocketWizard is now offering the first built-in digital radio Transceiver in a digital SLR camera. The newest generation PocketWizard takes the shape of a wafer-thin electronic computer circuit board, that interfaces with existing technology found in the Nikon® D-Series Digital SLR cameras. This built-in PocketWizard Transceiver offers the same advantages as the external units without the need for pre-triggered motor drive cables, batteries or PC cords and it leaves the camera’s hot shoe available for other accessories such as an on-camera flash.

  • Getty Images – Podcasts. Фотографы агентства Getty Images комментируют свои снимки. Интересно послушать.

    Every image carries with it the experience of its creation – where it was taken, what was happening when the shutter clicked and whose eye was looking through the lens. In each of our podcasts, a Getty Images photographer, filmmaker or editor gives us a look at their world and how it shapes the work we see. Need help downloading a podcast?

  • The Boutique Photographer: Learn to Love Strobe. Не только у стробиста появляются интересные статьи о съемке накамерной вспышкой.

    Many photographers proudly say that they work only with natural light. But what is natural? They usually mean existing or ambient light, including daylight, shade, incandescent and fluorescent, which can all be broken down into even more specific categories. We use qualitative terms like diffused, direct, spot, down, specular and reflected to further define illumination. If “natural” includes reflectors, light bulbs and tubes, what possible reason is there to exclude strobe?

  • Inside a Sports Photographer’s Bag. Ловко он с кардридером придумал.

    As a sports photographer for Getty Images, Harry How has worked most of the major events in sports: Super Bowl, the Masters, Olympics, and playoffs of every other sport. In Part 1 of our visit with Harry, we hear how he began and listen to some sound advice on getting started in the biz.