
  • Building a Ring Flash. Подробная инструкция по созданию «страшненькой кольцевой вспышки», про которую я писал недавно.

    I’ve had a lot of comments regarding my earlier post about the ring flash I built. A lot of you wanted a step by step tutorial on how I made mine. That being said, here we go.

  • Testing My DIY Grid Spot. Если кому-то еще не понятно, что дает ячеистая насадка на вспышку, то вам сюда.

    The three shots below show how the beam from your flash spreads out. These examples show from left to right, a bare flash, a flash with a 2cm grid, and one with a 5cm grid. I’ve included the disc off to the right as a reference – those flashes are roughly five inches away from the wall.

  • Bob Ross – Deep Forest Lake. Видео-урок рисования. Красками. По холсту. Завораживающие зрелище.

    Description: this is for everyone who i love.. for all the shit i did bad to anybody – this is my apology..

  • On Photography: Fame, Shame, Money and Cameras. Интересные местами мысли о состоянии фотографии в наше время.

    Incidentally, isn’t it nice to know that the suicidal driver next to you on the road may not only has a head wrapped around a cell phone but could also capture the last earthly moments of either of you in panoramic, full color, no red eye high resolution jpegs automatically uploaded to YouTube, MeTube and ThemTube? Admired by millions before you even cool down? Ah well, that would never happen to me but it might happen to you.

  • The Law of Photography. Подборка материалов о правах фотографов.

    People have very strange ideas about what constitutes fair use of other people’s photographs. What they do not realize is, that by the time they get sued, simply claiming ignorance is no defense.

  • Just enough flash… Кто там еще будет рассказывать про то, что вспышка на свадьбах не нужна? Могу подсказать, куда засунуть свои «высокие» ISO. Скажу по секрету, при хорошем освещении даже на D200 ISO1600 шумит мало. Конечно же, надо уметь и знать, когда вспышку лучше выключить.

    Several photographers have asked me how in much of my photography has flash been used. And I would say that about 80% of my work when I photograph weddings and environmental portraits, has flash of some kind.

  • Photo Histories website launched. Анонс открытия нового интересного сайта о фотографии: Photo Histories.

    A website which aims to record the stories and anecdotes from the history of photojournalism has been launched this week.

  • Lighting 101 Now Available in PDF Format. Lighting 101 в PDF. А что еще тут можно сказать?

    If you are a newb, Lighting 101 is the foundation on which the site is built, and is the best place to start. I have left a few typos in there, just for added charm. Lots of charm, actually.